"Seiri-chan" CX


「 "Why does it suck? Because I can't blame everything that sucks on my period."
If you're a woman, you have to deal with your "monthly visitor"—your period—whether you like it or not.
It comes in with a bang, dealing heavy blows and draining your body of blood and hitting you with the double whammy of sharp pain and unbearable misery. And it all happens to every woman out there.
While no one looks forward to "Seiri-chan" ("Ms. Period") coming around and wreaking havoc on day-to-day life, there's more to her than meets the eye. She's got a friendly side, too, and plenty of life lessons to impart.
This adaptation of Ken Koyama's Seiri-chan combines episodic shorts into a full-length film with the hilarity to blow those monthly ouches and ughs away—and deliver vital messages to women and men alike.

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